Product Code: SDOPF005
Availability: In Stock

Brighten up the lives of your dear ones and let them bask in the positivity and energy induced by this stunning bouquet. This bouquet consists of colorful Asiatic lilies that are wrapped in a yellow packing paper and tied by a yellow ribbon. This Colorful Sunshine Bouquet is the perfect gift to bring a big smile on your loved ones’ faces.

Order for this Colorful Sunshine Bouquet only from Online Pune Florist.

Product Details:

3 Yellow Asiatic Lilies

3 Orange Asiatic Lilies

2 White Asiatic Lilies

Green Fillers

Yellow Paper Wrapping

Yellow Ribbon

Delivery Instruction:

The image is indicative only. The actual shape of the bouquet might vary.

Delivery of the bouquet depends on the availability of the product and the destination to which it has to be delivered.

Flowers are perishable and delivery will be attempted only once.

The delivery cannot be redirected to any other addresses.

This product is not delivered with other courier items

Care Instruction:

Trim the stems and keep the flowers in a vase once they arrive.

Check the water level daily and replenish as needed.

Keep the flowers in a cool place away from direct sunlight.

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